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How to fix Invalid port for node

Dan Fitzgerald

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Invalid port for node:

2018-08-08T23:30:33,595-0400 [monitor-20] common.domain.Node: Invalid port for node Node [serverId=c187c237-0b34-48ee-8ba5-8f1b12eb9ece, serverName="Our Server Name", capabilities=[], platform=WINDOWS, port=0, primus=false, primusCapable=false, remote=true, online=false, siteID=5c2c7b84-e1f4-4187-9799-85a2a48f0ebc] java.lang.Exception: Invalid port set

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If the Spotfire server started fine and you are still seeing this error, it could be possible that the Node Manager was not updated or may be the "nodemanager.properties" located under the following two locations has some incorrect values.


Server Installation Dircetorytibcotss\nmconfigfile

Node Managertibcotsnm\nmconfig



Please note that this could be one of the possible reasons. Sice it is a generic error message it is tough to get to the cause by just looking at this error. The entire error trace can be helpful though.

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