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Fitting with wafer, logarithmic scaling

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first, sorry, if my english isn't the best, although ich hope that i can tell my problem clearly. My version of Statistica is statistica 8.

My Data are 3 Columns: Extinction (x-Axis) , Recolonization (Y-axsis) and the third column, which should be the z Axis in the Graph. (The Data are in as Double).

Now I wanna get the Graph, so I choose in the menu : Graphs-->3D xyz-Graphs-->wafer-plots.

Directly in the windwow, which opens now, I can take the x- and y-axis as logarithmic (options 1). After the Graph is made, I cannot change the axis scaling into something other like for example linear.

Now I can change the range and steps in the Graphic-that's no Problem.

But the graph I get isn't logarithmic. It's the same Graph as if I take the X- and Y-axis as linear at the beginning in Options1..

Is it possible that Statistica cannot do a logarithmic scaling with the wafer-fit I searched the help but found nothing what could help me.

I also tried to get a logarithmic scatterplot from this data but here I can't even take logarithmic axis (not in the options an after the graph is built also not in the scaling).

I hope that someone can help me.

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