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Limit On-Demand Load When Value is Not Equal To X

Patrick Fanelli

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I am trying to assist a colleague in limiting a very large data set with via the on-demand settings and need to know if there is a way to limit it when a value is not equal to something.

In the table in question there is a constant string value ("noflag") that is used to identify data that is not necessary for use in capacity determinations. Being able to set an on-demand criteria that only loads data when that field is not equal to "noflag" would provide a considerable boost in performance (eliminates millions of rows of data from being loaded).

I cannot figure out how to limit using a negative criteria (not equal to). Is there any way to accomplish this


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Hello Patrick,


You can do the following to limit the on demand data as per your requirement,

In the define Input window of the On demand settings, select "Values (Fixed/Properties/expression)" for the Input for the selected paramter

Now select the radio button expression and click edit

enter your expression somethin as below

If([baseball].[HITS]!=1252 ,[baseball].[HITS],NULL)Click Ok and apply the settings.

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  • 1 year later...

Thanks for the reply.  I receive no errors.  My table has three columns:


Department Group Technology
Area1 TeamA TEST
Area1 TeamB TEST
Area2 TeamA NextGen
Area2 TeamA TEST














Every expression I try returns only the column headers and no rows for this table when using Data-On-Demand w/ Expressions.  I've triede about a dozen different expressions already.


I would like to see every row that is not TEST.

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