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How to get the report metadata from spotfire repository database

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I need your help to find the easiest way to get the report/infolinks/element/tables details from spotfire.

Let me know how we can achieve this. I know the usual way of tracing it from the spotfire client. Is there a way to get these details from repository database If so, please help me with the queries.



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Here is a simple query to get an information link and its column elements associated with a report to get started with.

Assuming the name of the report is 'myreport' and it contains one information link.


select * from lib_properties where item_id in (select required_id from LIB_RESOLVED_DEPEND where dependent_id = (select required_id from LIB_RESOLVED_DEPEND where dependent_id= (select item_id from lib_items where title = 'myreport') ))

Breaking down the queries here for simplicity-


1)select item_id from lib_items where title in ('myreport')

myreport - name of the report in concern


2)Use item_id from the above query to find out the required_id which would be the information link query's id-

select required_id from LIB_RESOLVED_DEPEND where dependent_id ='e49e2d7a-8a00-4a58-a6a8-342599321382'

e49e2d7a-8a00-4a58-a6a8-342599321382- id of the report -'myreport'


3)Once we get the information link id then find the required column elements corresponding to it-

select * from LIB_RESOLVED_DEPEND where dependent_id='e0631933-aac3-4848-ab48-ab4aeda14522'

'e0631933-aac3-4848-ab48-ab4aeda14522'- id of the information link query


4)Get all the associated column elements using the above query and fetch the column and data source information

select * from lib_properties where item_id in ('54633904-ac41-448d-be40-dfd527390189','dc337bce-4c9b-42b3-be69-e47b37a8481e','ddcaf76e-c250-4a99-8c0a-8d40c9601c88')


'54633904-ac41-448d-be40-dfd527390189','dc337bce-4c9b-42b3-be69-e47b37a8481e','ddcaf76e-c250-4a99-8c0a-8d40c9601c88' - id's of column elements.


This would need to be tested/customized for multiple information links with different elements (joins/filters) etc.

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