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No truncate function

Todd Crites

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  • 1 year later...

As a workaround, can you try this and let me know if this helps

1. Convert the formatting of the column from the default 2 decimals to 3 decimals from Column Properties >> Select the column >> Formatting tab >> Number >> Under Decimals, select 3 from the drop-down and click OK.

2. Create a calculated column with the following expression.

Integer(Substring(String(Integer([Data] * 1000)),1,Len(String(Integer([Data] * 1000))) - 2)) / 103. Change the formatting of this calculated column to 1 decimal place. It will look something like this.

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Thank you, this does give the desired result.  I appreciate you sharing this.


I hope Tibco understands how silly it is to have to go to this length to 'truncate' when competitive tools have simple TRUNC() functions.  It's probably not high on their radar, but small things like this do make a difference in the eyes of the users.

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