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Bring all wells at same start point to compare duration

Go to solution Solved by Olivier Keugue Tadaa,

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 I am trying to create a visual from my data to compare the duration for each well (how much it takes to drill). They don't start all at the same date, but when compare on the days duration I would like to have them starting from the same point (0 days). I have a screenshot with what I could accomplish but is not exactly what I want.


For [Days] column, I used a python script as data function: EPOCH is 1sec data.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

df = pd.DataFrame(WellslOpscomparison)
days_time_list = [] 
time_zero = 0

for index, row in df.iterrows():
    if row['OP_CLASS_DESC'] == 'Drilling':        
        time_zero = row['EPOCH']          
    days_time_list.append(row['EPOCH'] - time_zero)    

Days_Time = pd.Series(days_time_list)


Maybe this can be twitched a bit to get the desired result. Or, there is another way to do it. Any help is much appreciated

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  • Solution

Hi Cristian

I have created the attached dummy dataset and have obtained, like you, the below chart to start


then add the following two calculated columns 

  1. [day zero per well]. :::: first([Date]) over ([well])
  2. [days duration]:::  DateDiff('day',[day zero per well],[Date])

Display the chart by [days duration]



I hope this helps solve your issue



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