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Finding the low Peaks on a line chart

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I have an interesting topic, that I kind of solved it partially. 

I have a line chart with a shape that is similar to sinus and I would like to create a trigger (a 1) every time the signal peaks down (or up). I created a calculated column for that (using LastPeriods) and I get some of the peaks but I am missing some. Maybe the interval is wrong (40), I tried a different numbers but this was my best guess. The line is ROP_FT (purple).

Here is my column:

case  WHEN 
[ROP_FT]=Min([ROP_FT]) over (LastPeriods(40,[EPOCH])) then 1 else 0 END

Is it possible to refine the query, maybe. not sure how. Many thanks


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Hi Christian,

Could you elaborate a bit more about the other variables? And do you want a trigger, each time the purple line is diverting from a straight line? Because that seems to be always the case in your screenshot.
Also, it would be great if you could share a dataset and/or your dxp file so we can look into it more in depth.

Kind regards,


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  • 5 weeks later...

Hi David, sorry for the late reply, I was on vacation. I attached the .dxp file and the data table is LIC query (581_303BH) and the interval is the one in the previous screenshot (April 30 from 7pm to 7:20pm). The idea for this project is to identify a drilling dysfunction that would make ROP to fluctuate (as a sinusoidal wave). If I can catch the peaks (max or min) for this behavior then we can create a trigger if we have 5 peaks in 30 sec for example. Otherwise, will not be important.

Thank you for trying to look into it. I hope we can find a solution.

581-303BH-LIC query.dxp

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Hi Cristian

Can I make this suggestion? 

Could you consider looking for a "local" outlier in the sense that you want to identify high or low values during the last n periods (you can find the right value for n later as explained in the next paragraphs)
First, calculate the following columns 

  • the min, ROPBetweenRows_MIN:::min([ROPBetweenRows]) OVER (LastPeriods(${Periods},[DATE_TIME]))
  • the max , ROPBetweenRows_MAX:::MAX([ROPBetweenRows]) OVER (LastPeriods(${Periods},[DATE_TIME]))
  • the average , ROPBetweenRows_AVG::::AVG([ROPBetweenRows]) OVER (LastPeriods(${Periods},[DATE_TIME]))
  • the standard deviation ROPBetweenRows_STDEV:::StdDev([ROPBetweenRows]) OVER (LastPeriods(${Periods},[DATE_TIME])). 

where ${Periods} is a Document Property


A graphical presentation shows you this. To adjust these curves, you can change the ${Periods} value (via a text area).

Then you add the z-score on the plot like this 

  • avg([ROPBetweenRows]) as [value], 
  • Sum(([ROPBetweenRows] - [ROPBetweenRows_AVG]) / [ROPBetweenRows_STDEV]) as [z-score]



The z-score values are more normalized and help you decide when to trigger an anomaly.

The same approach can be adopted to calculate a different metric.

I hope this helps.

THE DXP is attached for any further help

581-303BH-LIC query-otadaake.dxp

Edited by Olivier Keugue Tadaa
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I worked recently on a very related problem and I have a data function that might work very well for this usecase as well. It is based on a bit different approach than in the previous answer. I will try to use my approach and let you know with the results.



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While waiting , here is the next step of the previous approach

Add a calculated column: z-Score :::: ([ROPBetweenRows] - [ROPBetweenRows_AVG]) / [ROPBetweenRows_STDEV]


and these custom expressions on your line chart.

  • avg([ROPBetweenRows]) as [value], 
  • Sum(if(Abs([z-Score])>${zscoreMAX},1,0)) as [trigger]. // trigger when the z-score absolute value  is higher than a max-limit

where ${zscoreMAX}, is a document property controlled in a text area via a property control 


Playing with the ${zscoreMAX} and the ${Periods} values will certainly provide an acceptable solution

Use the zoom slider in the attached example to see how it works 

581-303BH-LIC query-otadaake.dxp


Edited by Olivier Keugue Tadaa
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Thank you, Olivier, for your support. With the zscore we get triggers too many times even though the signal doesn't have a sinusoidal shape. I have something in excel that works a bit better. We identified the sinusoidal shape of the signal and compare it with the entire dataset. When there is a similarity it will trigger (red marks). I was wondering if we can do something similar in Spotfire. I attached some screenshots with the results from excel.

Sample signal.png

Result - trigger.png

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am very sorry for the late reply. I tried my approach but unfortunately, my procedure cannot be applied directly to your data (it is true, it was a bit different use-case as well). There will be some customization needed to my script to achieve this.



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