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Spotfire SDK


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Hello Guys,

We are upgrading Spotfire from 11.4 to Spotfire 14 and we have developed some extension using Spotfire SDK 11.4. So, trying to understand if Spotfire 11.4 SDK will compatible with Spotfire 14.

Thanks in Advance. 

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Hi Amit, 

Most often the API is changed by adding functionality to be able to leverage additional features added to Spotfire. I found this article that tries to explain what's changed in the API since 7.11. 
I believe what you are looking for is functions that are deprecated from the API. To check this, can you please share what your custom extension does and which functionality from the API it is using? 




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Hi Amit,

Adding onto Alain Martens comments, if your custom extensions should still be working, based on the used APIs, you still may run into issues. I assume you have used the Spotfire Analyst 11.4 as the Spotfire Distribution to develop against in the Spotfire SDK 11.4. 
If that is the case, you may need to re-validate the custom extension against the new Spotfire 14 Analyst and then create the package and deploy it. But I would advise you to check this once you have done the Spotfire APIs check and test the current custom extensions in a Spotfire 14 DEV or TEST environment.

Kind regards,


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Thanks David and Alain for your reply, that completely make sense and I will follow your suggestions

As per my previous experience if you have use old API (for example comes with Spotfire 10) to develop custom extension then you won't be able to deploy/Install your extension with Spotfire 14. It will throw an error.

On that not note, I just wanted to know if Spotfire 11.4 SDK will work or not with Spotfire 14. 

As per my understanding, it should because normally Spotfire is have compatible with previous 2 version of LTS. 

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