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Aggregate over variable size windows

Michele Scarpa

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I have a dataset that reports the number of hours worked per day and the number of events occurred that day. 

I would like to aggregate data over the last 100 worked hours so I need a previous node function that check a condition:

day worked hours events avg per 100 h
1 36 1  
2 48 0  
3 19 0  
4 26 1  
5 42 2 3
6 34 1 4
7 22 0 3
8 45 1 2
9 50 2 3
10 52 1 3


a function similar to pandas.rolling (https://pandas.pydata.org/docs/reference/api/pandas.DataFrame.rolling.html)

Is there any way to do this in spotfire?


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Hi Michele, 

Since you have already identified the Python function that suits your needs, why not create a Python Data Function in Spotfire that returns this rolling average as an additional column in your data table?


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