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How to display min max values of aggregated data in KPI chart which will match with the min max values present in line chart in case of single filter selection and all

swarupa sahoo

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Hi All,

Need help in getting the min max values in KPI chart which will match with the line chart min max values.

In my Dashboard there is 2 visualizations Line chart and KPI -  In line chart sum(Value) against each time interval. And whenever I select any single record or multiple record from Category/Subcategory based on the filter selection Line chart values changes for every individual phases(A,B,C). So based on filter selection KPI chart should give max and min values which will match the line chart min max values. Attach is the file for your reference.

Could you please provide guidance on whether the functionalities I am seeking is feasible within the capabilities of Spotfire?



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Hi Swarupa,

Correct me if I'm wrong but what you are looking for, is to display the min and max of the Value column. I have looked at your sample.dxp and you used the calculated value as input for the min and max. And I think you should stick with the Value column. I have made some changes in your dashboard, based on my assumptions above. Please have a look at the dashboard to see if this is what you meant. For displaying purposes, I have also changed the KPI Tiles set up, using the Type, category and subcategory as the Tile by. This is very useful when having only a couple of marked/filtered values. But it's not really great if you haven't selected any type, category or subcategory. So, you can change those at will, conform your use case.

Kind regards,



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