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Iron Python to refresh Information Link with Prompt

Jon Orth 2
Go to solution Solved by David Boot-Olazabal,

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I have an information link that uses a prompt to select a smaller set of data and am trying to get it to refresh and bring up the prompt to make the selection using Iron Python.  Refreshing all data or refreshing the individual table never brings up the prompt from the information link.  Is there another method that I need to use for this?

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Hi Jon,

The easiest way to do this, is to activate the checkbox "Prompt for new settings before loading" within  the data table properties window:

This way, whenever a user reloads the data via the menu Data>>Reload all data, the prompt is popping up to change the initial selection.


Kind regards,


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To clarify, this option is already checked on the data table.  I would like to have a script linked button to refresh that table and let the user make another selection but the window won't appear and it just reloads regardless of whether that is checked or not.

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  • Solution

Hi Jon,

Sorry for the confusion. I have found a working solution, using iron python.

This is also referred in other article: 



Here is the code I used in my dashboard:

from Spotfire.Dxp.Framework.ApplicationModel import *

def Refresh():
# define script parameter "table" to be refreshed

ps = Application.GetService[ProgressService]()
ps.ExecuteWithProgress("refresh title", "refresh description", Refresh)

When you create this iron python code, and put it behind a button in a text area, be sure to uncheck the "Execute in transaction" as well as add a parameter for the data table that needs to be refreshed:

This worked for me in Spotfire 11 as well as Spotfire 14.

Kind regards,


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