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Create highlighted area between two chart lines

Go to solution Solved by mdettm,

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I am looking for a way to create a chart visualization that has a shaded (colored in grey) area between two lines (e.g. area between a Target Minimum and Target Maximum).  Example data and simple chart below.  The combo chart example attached uses all three values (Actual Value, Target (Min), and Target (Max)), but I'd rather not have three values in the Legend and only have Target area (the grey area) and Actual Value.  Any ideas on how to accomplish this in a Spotfire chart visualization?



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Hi Mark,

In the attached file, you can see what Spotfire can deliver out of the box, given your data example.

There is also a way of 'real' shading in a scatter plot, if you have both axis set up as numbers. But in your case, we sticked to the Actual Value by Month, resulting in having the min and max limits displayed as the highlighted area.

Kind regards,


Spotfire Forum Shading example.dxp

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