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Adding calculated Rows to data table


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Hello,  I am trying to add rows to an existing table...or need to add a custom expression to a cross table.  I'm not sure which is easier?  Simply put i have 3 meters that have readings on each day.  I need to add a 4th row each day that calculates readings based on the existing readings.

  date meter volume  
  1/1/2024 a 20  
  1/1/2024 b 10  
  1/1/2024 c 30  
add row 1/1/2024 calc 0.5 A/(B+C)
  1/2/2024 a 15  
  1/2/2024 b 5  
  1/2/2024 c 30  
add row 1/2/2024 calc 0.428571429


How/where would i put this formula  A/(B+C) to generate additional rows or expressions?


Thank you

Edited by ringojb
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You can add a custom expression in cross table as below.

1. Create Pivot as below in data table transformations. Columns2 here is Date column.


2. Then create a cross table with cell values custom expression as below.





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