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Automation Service new features. Can not find documentation. We are on Spotfire 12.0.4 LTS. there are some new options on Automation Services that I would like to use. I cant seem to find any documentation on how these work.

Chris Houmard

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Automation Service new features. Can not find documentation. 

We are on Spotfire 12.0.4 LTS.  there are some new options on Automation Services that I would like to use.  I cant seem to find any documentation on how these work.  

  • Apply Bookmark -Safe (What is the subscriber ID?)
  • Run Script
  • Set Active visualization- Safe
  • Set Filter Value (What is the subscriber ID?)
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Hi Chris

These extensions are part of the Spotfire Alerting Framework. This was most likely installed into your environment as part of a Professional Services engagement.

As these tasks are built to only be used by the framework, there is not any documentation for how to use them. However they are mostly self explanatory. You can ignore the Subscriber ID message as this is only present for logging purposes to tie error messages back to subscriptions.

If you run into any issues or have any further questions, please feel free to contact me directly.



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