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New RefreshOnDemandData(callback) does not pass an exception parameter to the callback unlike the obsoleted RefreshAsync. Is there an equivalent ?

Gaspard Martin-Jouannaud

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I was using the RefreshAsync method and noticed it has been obsoleted so I tried using the recommended RefreshOnDemandData however when passing a callback function to it it does not pass an exception parameter unlike RefreshAsync.

old syntax:

notify = Application.GetService[NotificationService]() def execCallBack(exception, Document=Document, notify=notify): if not exception: Document.ActivePageReference = Document.Pages[Document.Pages.IndexOf(Document.ActivePageReference) + 1] else: notify.AddErrorNotification("Error refreshing table","Error details",str(exception)) Document.Data.Tables.RefreshAsync([Table], execCallBack)

New syntax:

notify = Application.GetService[NotificationService]() def execCallBack(exception, Document=Document, notify=notify): if not exception: Document.ActivePageReference = Document.Pages[Document.Pages.IndexOf(Document.ActivePageReference) + 1] else: notify.AddErrorNotification("Error refreshing table","Error details",str(exception)) Table.RefreshOnDemandData(execCallBack) # TypeError: execCallBack() takes exactly 1 argument (0 given)

Is there a way to check if the table loaded without an error with the new method ?

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Hello Gaspard.

From what I can find out, if you have used RefreshAsync before, the closest current equivalent should be ReloadLinkedData or ReloadAllData. Issues there are reported in Notifications.

The RefreshOnDemandData method(s) does indeed not pass exceptions though. A request for that would be an idea, something you could create in the Ideas Portal: https://ideas.tibco.com/ideas (the more information about your use case that you include, the better)  

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