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I need help writing logic in calculated column to give results below. ID date ProdFlag NormTime XYZ1 8/31/2023 1 3 XYZ1 8/31/2023 1 3 XYZ1 7/31/2023 1 2 XYZ1 7/31/2023 1 2 XYZ1 7/31/2023 1 2 XYZ1 7/31/2023 1 2 XYZ1 6/30/2023 1 1

Kate E 2

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Thank you for reply. I added table as an example output for the normalized time calculation. I want to calculate a column which calculates normalized time but ONLY counts it once per individual date and ID. I.e. the table result example but this will be for hundreds of thousands of rows.

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Yes- normalized time is the calculated column. I was just giving the specific notes as to how that should be calculated.

I have raw data of ID and Date. I calculate the production flag( no issues ) and want to calculate normalized time column which would result in results consistent with the table.

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Will this help to create a new column called NormTime?

    DenseRank() Over (Partition By [ID] Order By [Date]) = 1,
    DenseRank() Over (Partition By [ID] Order By [Date]),
    DenseRank() Over (Partition By [ID] Order By [Date])

NormTime should increase by 1 for each unique combination of ID and Date.

DenseRank assigns a rank to each unique combination of ID and Date based on the order of Date..If the rank is 1 for a particular combination, it assigns that rank as the NormTime value. And if it is greater than 1, assigns the same rank as 'NormTime' increases by 1

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