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Is it possibile reset to the default option a dropdown menu throught a button?

Veronica Nerozzi

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I cannot find an element in the API to reset a text area or a dropdown menu. But a dropdown menu populates a property, usually a document property, so if you know the default you can simply have a script that does this:

Document.Properties['mydropdownProperty']='my default value'

where you insert appropriate values for the property name (mydropdownProperty) and the default (my default value).

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This would go into an IronPython script that you attach to that button.

So you add a button to a text area (edit text area then add an Action Control) and from that menu you select Script on the left, then New..., then in the script editor copy that instruction. Save with a script name and a button name.

For an introduction to scripting with IronPython, there are some resources here:


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