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How can I delete the Transformations that accumulate in the dataCanvas using ironPython script? (Transformations are accumulated after replacing columns in the table and the speed of the replacement will slow down.)

Morio Saeki

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After replacing a column in a table using an ironPython script, Transformations will accumulate and the speed of the replacement will slow down. After I manually removed Transformations from the DataCanvas screen, the column update speed returned to normal.

DataCanvas.png.40c849272fb1997bb2f6def2436ad735.png'I used below ironPython script. 

  1. from Spotfire.Dxp.Data import *
  2. from Spotfire.Dxp.Data.Transformations import *
  4. dataOperation = dataTable.GenerateSourceView().OperationsSupportingTransformations[0];
  5. transformations = dataOperation.GetTransformations();
  7. #clear all transformations on this dataTable if needed
  8. dataOperation.ReplaceTransformations("")
  10. #Replace specific value Transformation
  11. column = DataColumnSignature("Name",DataType.String);
  12. row_id_cols=[DataColumnSignature("No",DataType.Integer)]
  13. row_id_col_values = [2]
  14. transformations.Add(ReplaceSpecificValueTransformation(column, "chocolate1","chocolate2",row_id_cols, row_id_col_values,True))
  15. dataOperation.ReplaceTransformations(transformations);

I referred to the sample below, and Spotfire Analyst uses Version 10.10.3 LTS


I would like to remove the Transformations accumulated in the DataCanvas using an ironPython script so that the update speed does not decrease.(Or I would like to update columns in the table without slowing down)

thank you​

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The Spotfire API groups transformations into operations. I could only find a way of deleting the entire operation, if it contains all transformations that replace cell values.

Can you try the script below?

The variable tbl is an input parameter (your data table).

from Spotfire.Dxp.Data.DataOperations import DataSourceOperationfrom Spotfire.Dxp.Data.DataOperations import DataOperationfrom Spotfire.Dxp.Data.Transformations import * #tbl is an input parameter of type Data Table.  ###--------------------------------------------- sourceView = tbl.GenerateSourceView()dataOpSupportingTransformations = sourceView.OperationsSupportingTransformations;  # Remove entire operation # if it only contains ReplaceValuesTransformation or ReplaceSpecificValueTransformation itemsreplaceValueTransformations=['ReplaceValuesTransformation','ReplaceSpecificValueTransformation']for op in dataOpSupportingTransformations: op0 = op.DataOperation op1 = op0.GetTransformations() are_they_replacements = [type(ttt).__name__ in replaceValueTransformations for ttt in op1] if all(are_they_replacements)==True and sourceView.CanRemoveOperation(op0): sourceView = sourceView.RemoveOperation(op0) 
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I tried your script.

Result: not remove transformations.

Condition:3 Replace specific value exist.fruit1_condition.bmpI added below print() in your script.




('dataOpSupportingTransformations', <type 'ReadOnlyCollection[DataOperationSupportingTransformations]'>)

('are_they_replacements', [True, True, True])


Not execute removeOperation in my environment ,because 'sourceView.CanRemoveOperation(op0)' return False.

Also I deleted 'sourceView.CanRemoveOperation(op0)' in if condition, and execute.

Result is [systemError: Cannot remove a source DataOperation if there are no other sources.]

Is it because 'dataOpSupportingTransformationsis' ReadOnly?

Please let me know if there is a way to prevent the settings from becoming ReadOnly. i will try.

thank you.

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as far as I can initially see, your 'load data' is in the same operation as all the transforms. So you cannot remove that operation as it would remove all your data. In this case, sourceView.CanRemoveOperation(op0) is False, and the remove is not executed.

I am not sure of the solution, I am looking into it. In your real system, does this also happen?

You can verify by looking at the data canvas:


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I think I found a way:

from Spotfire.Dxp.Data.DataOperations import DataSourceOperationfrom Spotfire.Dxp.Data.DataOperations import DataOperationfrom Spotfire.Dxp.Data.Transformations import * #tbl is an input parameter of type Data Table. ###--------------------------------------------- sourceView = tbl.GenerateSourceView()dataOpSupportingTransformations = sourceView.OperationsSupportingTransformations;#print('dataOpSupportingTransformations',type(dataOpSupportingTransformations)) # Remove entire operation # if it only contains ReplaceValuesTransformation or ReplaceSpecificValueTransformation itemsreplaceValueTransformations=['ReplaceValuesTransformation','ReplaceSpecificValueTransformation'] for op in dataOpSupportingTransformations: op0 = op.DataOperation op1 = op0.GetTransformations() are_they_replacements = [type(ttt).__name__ in replaceValueTransformations for ttt in op1] try: if all(are_they_replacements)==True and op0.CanReplaceTransformations(): op0.ReplaceTransformations("") except: if all(are_they_replacements)==True and sourceView.CanRemoveOperation(op0): sourceView = sourceView.RemoveOperation(op0)
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