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Filters and markings not communicating bidirectionally

Veronica Nerozzi

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I created two views related to the same database.

On one view some markings have been applied while on the other some filters have been exposed.

The desired behavior would be that by activating a marking, the filter page would update based on the applied marking and vice versa (applying a filter in the filter page would have an effect on the markings).

Of the two behaviors mentioned above, I can apply only one. What I can't do is refresh the filter page by applying a marking. I found a solution that I can only apply from the analyst which consists of right click and then "Marked Rows > Filter To", but this is not possible from Web Player.

Is it possible to find a solution that allows me, by selecting a marking, to apply this selection in the filters page?


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Hello Veronica,

There are a couple of potential approaches you can explore to accomplish the desired behavior:

Custom JavaScript and IronPython Scripts: While this solution requires some technical expertise, you can leverage JavaScript for interactions in the Web Player and IronPython scripts in Spotfire Analyst. You can use these scripts to capture marking and filter selections, and then trigger actions based on them. This approach might need customization based on your specific use case.

Data Relations and Calculated Columns: In Spotfire, you can establish Data Relations between your marking and filter views. By creating calculated columns based on these relations, you might be able to indirectly achieve the desired behavior. When markings are applied in one view, calculated columns in another view might update, which can then be used as filters.

Parameter-Based Filters: Instead of using direct filters, consider using parameters and custom expressions. Parameters can be more flexible and dynamic, allowing you to apply conditions based on marking selections. These parameter-based filters might provide a way to achieve the interaction you're looking for.

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Thank you for answering me.

I've tried the third option using a dropdown menu with the "None" option and limiting all objects in my dashboard.

I have just a question for the "None" option, is there a way to see all the data if the "None" option is selected?

Because, right now if I select "None" all my graphs go blank because there is no "None" value in the field.

Thanks in advance.

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