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I have a property for column selection...how to display the column name in the trellis header instead of the contains in the column?

Chee Kheong Wan

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Hi, thanks for reply...maybe i attached the example here to make it clearer

Here is what i try to do...


My actual issue, i going the have a column selection for Process A to Z, and each process going to have different control limits.

And i want to associate the limit control table to the chart; where the limit going to change according to the process i going to choose.

Thus, i will need the process name to display at the trellis header.

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Would this work for you:

Right click on the Trellis variable to get to the Custom Expression editor

Type the expression:

<Concatenate("${ColumnSelection}","= ",${ColumnSelection}) as [${ColumnSelection}]>

by adding the ".." around the first document property, you get its name and not its value.

So the headers are now: MachineID= M101 etc.

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