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I want to know how to change the table value

kisang han

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I'd like to modify the table value with Python script inside the spotfire.

I want to change the value like code 2: below, but I don't know how to specify the address (arrow part).

Code 1: I want to know the command that will go into the arrow part of the .


dtSpec = Document.Data.Tables["Spec"]

itemCol = dtSpec.Columns["item"]

for i in range(0, dtSpec.RowCount):


here ??????

→[table.column(i).value]← = n


var(1 to 10, 1 to 10)

for i = 1 to 10

here ↓

var(i,1) = i

next i

I want to use it like an arrow in the code

Is there a way?

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