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We would like to look at your Spotfire platform as a possible front-end solution to our geoscientific drilling database at our company in Perth, Western Australia. We are a seismic data acquisition, processing and interpretation company https://hiseis

Thomas Bell

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Currently, the drilling data is stored using a simple Windows based folder system according to Client Name and Project. It is difficult to stay on-top of ‘what’s the latest data’ and what has already been loaded into our seismic interpretation software, as we often receive the data in different lots over months at a time.

What we are looking for a front-end solution that:

        I.           Act as a central repository to store all of our drilling data – grouped according to our Clients/ Asset

      II.            Display the information in global GIS map.

    III.           Ability to filter the drillhole data and to export the results based on the filtering (in excel format) in addition to having the live GIS map update according to the filtering.

   IV.           Ability for cross-plotting data of the data in each of the drillholes (eg geochemical data crossplotting, colour coded to lithology).

     V.           Data statistics to show how many drillholes have e.g lithology logging, assay data.

   VI.           Load the the data up in excel format to Spotfire

  VII.           Ability to check New data which has arrived/ and to compare to data already in the database to identify duplicates (reduce the chance of importing duplicates) - tell us what is new when the clients send us a new tranche of data (often the data overlaps).


        I.           Ability to load and display other types of geographic data (such as shapefile).

      II.           Ability to load unstructured data and to tag this data so it can be found (e.g pdf reports, zipped data). This function getting away from the drilling database, and more into a smart folder system which uses tags and key words to find any loaded data that the client has sent us, rather than searching through different folders on our Microsoft drives. Can Spotfire also function as a document storage repository in this way?

1.      Are you aware of any clients which use Spotfire as a front-end tool to managing their drilling database (minerals), and keeping track of new data coming in, and as such, does a template spotfire project already exist?

2.      With that sort of functionality that we require, and, for about ~5 users, could you please provide a ballpark figure on how much that would cost per month, or annually?

3.      Can we load data up as .csv, or are there significant advantages to having a SQL back-end (e.g POSTgreSQL and PostGIS plugin?)

4.      Are there thresholds to the amount of data stored on the platform, after which pricing of Spotfire increases?

5) Understand the database would be stored on Cloud. Do we maintain and manage the AWS cloud, or is that done by TIBCO?

Thanks in advance,

Thomas Bell


0400 726 721

Perth, Australia

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