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Template 2

Tyler Kendle

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Thanks for sharing Jose. I'm having trouble with template 2 JavaScript code. Template 1 worked just fine but having difficulty with template 2. Watching the Dr. Spotfire video it appears to be a little different code but that might be intended. Is that something you could update the article with if possible?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello @Tyler Kendle​ There was a typo on the code. Please try again.

The typo was on the landingPageImage variable from the template 2 script:

landingPageImage = "https://preview.ibb.co/bMi5Y6/banner_img.png"";

Please remove las character -the double quote "- it or replace with the new published code

landingPageImage = "https://preview.ibb.co/bMi5Y6/banner_img.png";
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Thanks @Jose Leviaguirre​ , I'm having difficulty getting the banner to show up. I've tried a couple of troubleshooting ideas without any luck. I have my Use whitelist for allowed URLs set to false. I've even gone to the TextArea Preferences and put the Perform HTML Sanitation to False as well but no luck with the banner. I get the cards and everything else to show up, I'm only having trouble with that banner image. Any suggestions? I attached a screenshot of what it looks like in Spotfire Analyst on my side.

Thank you!

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