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Please let me know if you have a python sample that hides or shows a specific column in a datatable on that page by clicking a button in a textarea.

Min Su Sun

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I assume that what you are trying to do is to show/hide a column in a table plot (if not, please clarify). I'm not aware of any way to explicitly hide it but here are two examples where I tested first adding/removing it, and then setting the width to hide/show it.

from Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Visuals import *
#columnToToggle = Document.Properties["propTableColumnName"]
columnToToggle = "Year"
#vis is a script parameter for my table plot
tablePlot = vis.As[TablePlot]() 
tableColumns = tablePlot.TableColumns
tableDataColumns = tablePlot.Data.DataTableReference.Columns
dataColumnToToggle = tableDataColumns[columnToToggle]
#Check if data column exists in collection
columnExists = tableColumns.Contains(dataColumnToToggle)
	print "Exists. Remove it."
	print "Does not exist. Add it."
from Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Visuals import *
#columnToToggle = Document.Properties["propTableColumnName"]
columnToToggle = "Year"
#vis is a script parameter for my table plot
tablePlot = vis.As[TablePlot]() 
tableColumns = tablePlot.TableColumns
tableDataColumns = tablePlot.Data.DataTableReference.Columns
dataColumnToToggle = tableDataColumns[columnToToggle]
tableColumn = tableColumns.TryGetTableColumn(dataColumnToToggle)[1]
if(tableColumn.Width < 10):
	tableColumn.Width = 100
	tableColumn.Width = 0


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