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Hi, I try to use the "limit data using markings" but it does not zoom in when I mark the data. Please help.

ron quach 2

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Could you please explain the use case a bit more - what are you trying to achieve?

Where do you mark data - in the scatterplot ("if("${WaferMapType}" = "[WAFER_STR]", "GALLERY MAP BY WAFER", "COMPOSITE MAP BY TEST")", in the Combination Chart..?

Note that in the scatterplot, you are using the same marking ("Marking") for both Marking and limit data using markings which does appear to cause issues for me as well (as noted below).

Marking in the Combination Chart (which uses the marking - "Marking"), limits the data in the scatter plot and "zooms in" on that for me.

Marking in the Scatterplot has no effect. Was the desired result to mark in the scatterplot, and then only those marked rows are displayed and "zoomed in" on in that plot?

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Hi Fredrik

Spotfire feature using the same marking on the marking and limit data using markings to mark data on the chart and drill down on the same chart. It is like zoom in feature.

I don't have problem with limit data using markings with the "Marking" from combo chart, then mark data on Scatter plot to show those marked data on combo chart as a detail on demand chart.

I tried it with combo chart, but it did not zoom in or drill down on the combo chart when I marked data in the combo chart.

Attached is youtube showing how to use the same marking in the data limit data using markings to mark and drill down on the same chart. It is shown over haft way in the video.



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There is *something* about the state in that particular analysis that's causing this, and I have not been able to pinpoint exactly what yet. The analysis seems to have been saved in a very old version (7.11 HF-004 - 7.11 has been out of support for a long time, but even by 7.11 standards that is an old version, lacking a great many fixes, as the last hotfix for 7.11 was HF-028).

As I saw the same issue when using the .dxp file you had provided (I tested in version 11.4.5 HF-026), I tested copying the raw data to a new analysis, and then copying the combination chart to the new analysis (simply using drag and drop between the two running Spotfire Analysts) - it works as expected in the new analysis, with the marking zooming the plot as desired.

So, I recommend that you test creating a new analysis and transfer the content to that. I also recommend that you open a support case in the Support Portal - https://support.tibco.com - so this issue can be investigated more thoroughly.

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Thanks Fredrik. I created a new one with version 12.2 and it worked.

However, I opened my old version 7.11 analysis with version 12.2 then saved it with version 12.2, it did not work. This will be a big job to re-create my old version analysis with new version.

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Thank you for confirming that, Ron - glad to hear that it worked.

>However, I opened my old version 7.11 analysis with version 12.2 then saved it with version 12.2, it did not work

That matches my result using 11.4. There is something in the original 7.11 analysis that remains/causes this.

You should definitely open a support case for this - hopefully the issue can be addressed.

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