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We are using AWS Subscription from Marketplace for TIBCO Spotfire, Currently, it's working on HTTP protocol, and want it to run on HTTPS protocol. Basically, we want SSL for Spotfire.

Mukta Luhach

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We are using AWS Subscription from Marketplace for TIBCO Spotfire, Currently, it's running on HTTP protocol, and want it to run on HTTPS protocol. Basically, we want SSL for TIBCO Spotfire.

We have tried and followed all the Spotfire documents available, but after that Spotfire service Stops and we are unable to start it again.

Please provide a valid solution/assistance and support for this. It's really on priority..!!

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To start with, maybe you could explain what you have done - have you e.g. followed the instructions in the TIBCO Spotfire Server manual > Configuring HTTPS:


I would start by checking in the [server install dir]tomcatlogs - sort by modified date and look at the most recently updated log files for hints of what exactly fails, that prevents the server from starting.

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We have already tried this solution and after these changes, Spotfire service is running but the link is not working.

Catalina.log messages

INFO 2023-04-04T07:07:36,587+0000 [] catalina.startup.HostConfig: Deploying deployment descriptor [C:tibcotsstomcatconfSpotfirelocalhostspotfire.xml]

INFO 2023-04-04T07:07:47,386+0000 [] [spotfire].[localhost].[/spotfire]: 1 Spring WebApplicationInitializers detected on classpath

INFO 2023-04-04T07:07:50,973+0000 [*Initialization*] [spotfire].[localhost].[/spotfire]: Initializing Spring root WebApplicationContext

INFO 2023-04-04T07:07:57,391+0000 [*Initialization*] coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol: Destroying ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-81"]

INFO 2023-04-04T07:07:57,391+0000 [*Initialization*] coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol: Destroying ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-82"]

INFO 2023-04-04T07:08:54,467+0000 [] [spotfire].[localhost].[/spotfire]: Initializing Spring DispatcherServlet 'spring-mvc'

INFO 2023-04-04T07:09:02,062+0000 [*Initialization*] [spotfire].[localhost].[/spotfire]: Initializing Spring DispatcherServlet 'spring-mvc-wp'

INFO 2023-04-04T07:09:04,013+0000 [*Initialization*] [spotfire].[localhost].[/spotfire]: Initializing Spring DispatcherServlet 'spring-mvc-nodemanager'

INFO 2023-04-04T07:09:04,486+0000 [*Initialization*] [spotfire].[localhost].[/spotfire]: Initializing Spring DispatcherServlet 'spring-mvc-well-known'

INFO 2023-04-04T07:09:04,729+0000 [*Initialization*] [spotfire].[localhost].[/spotfire]: Initializing Spring DispatcherServlet 'spring-mvc-auth'

INFO 2023-04-04T07:09:04,973+0000 [*Initialization*] [spotfire].[localhost].[/spotfire]: Initializing Spring DispatcherServlet 'spring-mvc-oauth2'

INFO 2023-04-04T07:09:05,185+0000 [*Initialization*] [spotfire].[localhost].[/spotfire]: Initializing Spring DispatcherServlet 'spring-mvc-is-proxy'

INFO 2023-04-04T07:09:05,689+0000 [*Initialization*] [spotfire].[localhost].[/spotfire]: Initializing Spring DispatcherServlet 'spring-mvc-custom-services'

INFO 2023-04-04T07:09:05,948+0000 [*Initialization*] [spotfire].[localhost].[/spotfire]: Initializing Spring DispatcherServlet 'public-api'

INFO 2023-04-04T07:09:06,302+0000 [*Initialization*] catalina.startup.HostConfig: Deployment of deployment descriptor [C:tibcotsstomcatconfSpotfirelocalhostspotfire.xml] has finished in [89,712] ms

INFO 2023-04-04T07:09:06,305+0000 [*Initialization*] coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol: Starting ProtocolHandler ["https-jsse-nio-443"]

INFO 2023-04-04T07:09:06,515+0000 [*Initialization*] coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol: Initializing ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-81"]

INFO 2023-04-04T07:09:06,515+0000 [*Initialization*] coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol: Starting ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-81"]

INFO 2023-04-04T07:09:06,520+0000 [*Initialization*] coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol: Initializing ProtocolHandler ["https-jsse-nio-82"]

INFO 2023-04-04T07:09:06,664+0000 [*Initialization*] coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol: Starting ProtocolHandler ["https-jsse-nio-82"]

INFO 2023-04-04T07:09:06,667+0000 [*Initialization*] catalina.startup.Catalina: Server startup in [92134] milliseconds

Server. logs; PFA the logs.

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>We have already tried this solution and after these changes, Spotfire service is running but the link is not working.

Sounds like you are making good progress - good to hear that the service is now running! Could you please explain what you mean by "the link is not working" - what link? Are you e.g. trying to access the server landing page in a web browser - https://yourserver:port?

If you did not disable unencrypted HTTP traffic, is that still working?

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  • 10 months later...

To resolve this, the below steps might be useful for you.

First step is to thoroughly review and implement the SSL configuration steps outlined in the Spotfire documentation, ensuring each step is accurately executed.

Now, Utilize AWS Certificate Manager to provision SSL certificates for your Spotfire instance. Verify that the certificate is correctly associated with your Spotfire domain.

Next is to ensure that your security groups and network ACLs are configured to permit traffic on HTTPS (port 443). Adjust AWS EC2 settings as needed.

I think these steps is to successfully transition Spotfire to HTTPS with SSL support.

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  • 1 month later...

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