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Prompting on a data table via IronPython

Priyank Dwivedi
Go to solution Solved by Priyank Dwivedi,

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I have a connection to a SQL Server table via

  • Connect To->MS SQL Server-> Added a table and defined 'prompting' on a couple of columns.

The prompt window shows up when I launch the tool and it works fine as intended.

Is there a way to have a button inside the tool to prompt this dialog so that the user could modify the selections and reload the data table ?



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  • Solution

We figured it out. Here's the IronPython script where table is the data table you would like to refresh.

from Spotfire.Dxp.Framework.ApplicationModel import *def Refresh(): table.Refresh()ps = Application.GetService[ProgressService]()ps.ExecuteWithProgress("refresh title", "refresh description", Refresh)
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