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How to connect Spotfire to files on Box?

Qing Wong

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I am trying to connect Spotfire to Excel files stored on Box. Currently, I am only able to access the Excel files by adding a shortcut for Box to my local disk. However, when others try to access the Spotfire visualization, they do not have access to those files because it goes through my local disk. Is there a connector for Box, like how there is for Sharepoint?

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There is no out-of-the-box support (and to my knowledge, no existing custom connectors) for Box - there is an existing idea for that that you could vote for: https://ideas.tibco.com/ideas/TS-I-5663

Searching for possible options today, I came across this:

https://www.cdata.com/kb/tech/box-odata-spotfire.rst ("Visualize Box Data in TIBCO Spotfire through OData")

Disclaimer: that is a third-party solution, and I have not tested this, but at least it might be something for you to explore further.

However, considering "I am only able to access the Excel files by adding a shortcut for Box to my local disk", maybe you could also explore if there is some option in Box to sync to a shared network drive that all users would have access to.

Also, just in case the other users don't actually need access to the latest (linked) Box file data, consider if some alternative options for how Box data is handled in the Spotfire analyses - e.g. New data when possible, or stored data - i.e. options that don't require access to the Box data, would be an option. See https://docs.tibco.com/pub/sfire-analyst/12.2.0/doc/html/en-US/TIB_sfire-analyst_UsersGuide/index.htm#t=save%2Fsave_details_on_data_loading_settings.htm&rhsearch=stored%20data&rhsyns=%20

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