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Looking into revamping the look of Spotfire dashboards using an external template (like: https://startbootstrap.com/theme/sb-admin-2). Does anyone know the best way of incorporating this; including the css and js?

Emmanuel Soile 2

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Not a direct answer to your particular question as I have not used that theme, but I just want to make sure that you are aware of the following community pages which both provides a number of Spotfire-templates that could be an alternative starting point for you, and also describes the general process of incorporating css and js:  

Visual Design Best Practices for TIBCO Spotfire®:

https://community.spotfire.com/s/article/Visual-Design-Best-Practices-for-TIBCO-Spotfire), which has Spotfire templates 

Using Spotfire Text Areas to Increase Usability of Analytics through HTML, Javascript and CSS:


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