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Iron Python - Changing scatter plot point colors for categorical values, with a saved color scheme from library.

Mark Lewis 2

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I am trying to change the color of points in a scatter plot with Iron Python. Preferably for categorical values - with a saved color scheme from library.

I looked at the Spotfire online refence, it seemed incomplete on this topic, and lacked examples.

I believe it is possible to do this, but please can somone provide a short Iron Python example of how this might be achieved.



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to set the colour of an axis according to a named colour scheme:

from Spotfire.Dxp.Application import *from Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Visuals import *vc = vc.As[VisualContent]()vc.ColorAxis.Coloring.Apply("name of your colour scheme")

where vc is an input parameter of type Visualization.

If you want to create a colour scheme for a particular column and use it every time that column is used in a plot, an easier way would be to assign that colour scheme to your column via: Data > Column Properties > select your column > Properties, then go down to DefaultContinuousColorScheme and/or DefaultCategoricalColorScheme and edit them, putting the name of your desired scheme there. It avoids scripting.

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