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Like to download and install TERR Service on one of the node manager


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If it's not showing up in the capability list, the first thing to check is that you have deployed it - note that t's a separate deployment from the Web Player/Automation Services deployment. Please refer to the manual: https://docs.tibco.com/pub/terrsrv/1.7.8/doc/html/TIB_terrsrv_1.7.8_install/install/topics/installing_the_terr_service_instance_on_a_node_manager_for_a_spotfire_server.html

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....and as you are looking for a 1.7.x version, I assume you have a Spotfire 11.4 environment. 

When downloading on the TIBCO eDelivery site, TIBCO Enterprise Runtime for R - Server Edition (TERRSRV) can be found under the product TIBCO Spotfire Statistics Services (TSSS), and the latest 11.4 version of TSSS is 11.4.10. The TERRSRV version you'll find there is 1.7.8, i.e. a somewhat later version than what you specified. I would recommend using that, but if you specifically need that older version, that can be found under TSSS 11.4.8. As that is not the latest available service pack, it's not visible, so you will need to request access to that, as documented in https://edelivery.tibco.com/storefront/faq.ep (see "How can I access an earlier version of a product?")

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