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Can the Y-Axis min and max be manually defined in Spider Chart Mod.

Christian Noone 2

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Hi, I would like to fix the Y-Axis scale on the Spider Chart Mod. For example, I have results in my data between 0 and 1. However the data maxes out at the edges of the graph at 0.8 if that is the highest value in my data set. I would also like the data to not be right in the centre so it starts from one circle out for example. I know this is possible as I watched a video on the TIBCO Spotfire YouTube page which I have attached in the photo below. Any help would be really useful! Thank you.

The chart I want where it does not start right in the centre:ChartIwant.thumb.png.f028b0f5d87c2bddcb4c46c11a92c3a4.pngMy chart:


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