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Can i use a data table unpivoted as well as original?

David Steinmeyer

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I have one data table and want to create two visualizations. For one visualization, i need to use the origiinal data table. For the second visualization, the data table must be unpivoted.

My Workaround:

I filter out all the rows by my own, which are generated due to the unpivoting. This leads to making mistakes and showing wrong data.

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Thank you for your answer!


Is it then possible to connect the different data tables over marking selections?








Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Kind regards / Met vriendelijke groeten,



David Steinmeyer

Integrated Project Planner

Grid Field Operations Germany | Project Management | Operation and Maintenance Engineering


Im Büro: Mo/Di/Mi/Do/Fr





T +49 (5132) 89 - 5889

E davidjohannes.steinmeyer@tennet.eu




TenneT TSO GmbH

Eisenbahnlängsweg 2 a

31275 Lehrte




Vorsitzende des Aufsichtsrats: Manon van Beek

Geschäftsführung: Tim Meyerjürgens, Maarten Abbenhuis, Dr. Arina Freitag

Sitz der Gesellschaft: Bayreuth AG Bayreuth: HRB 4923

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