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Is there any way I can use iron-python to customize the sort order of an imported column (e.g. prompt the custom sort order settings with a button in the text area) so that web users can access easily?

Kom Son
Go to solution Solved by Jose Leviaguirre,

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I'm not aware of any way you could reuse/prompt the display of the existing Spotfire dialogs for defining the sort order in this way - I believe you will need to handle that part yourself - but once you have the sort order defined in some way, the following article should give you some ideas on how to apply it:



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Here is an implementation of your requirement:


  1. On a Text Area, Create a List box (multiple select) Property Control with Unique values in column pointing to a new String List Document Property called "values"lb_dp.png.1f00162ddd15c609969f15d73e71db5d.png
  2. Create a Label Property Control on a Text Area using the "values" document property to output the selecting order of the columns and add a "Apply" Action Control Buttonta.png.57050fc9df5795cf6ef64f7a8af36790.png
  3. Create an IronPython script for the Apply button :
tblName = "Blood Work"colName = "type"values = Document.Properties["values"]dt = Document.Data.Tables[tblName]# The values in values must be of the same type as the values in the column. # Column values not present in values will be sorted last. dt.Columns[colName].Properties.SetCustomSortOrder(values)
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