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Export Donut chart to PDF

Tyler Kendle

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I've downloaded the Donut chart MOD and it shows up great within Spotfire or a dashboard. However, if I try to export it to a PDF the donut doesn't show up, and only a few of the values will show. For some reason, I can only get it to export if I also include a map chart on the same pdf. Definitely not something I want to do every time. Does anyone have any suggestions?

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I just tested this and I see the same behavior. It's not a general mods issue but with that specific mod (I tested the Gauge mod as well). This appears to be a defect in the Donut chart mod. I reported this as an issue in https://github.com/TIBCOSoftware/spotfire-mods/issues/105

For now, exporting it using File > Export > Visualization to image and putting that image in your pdf manually is the only workaround I can think of.

Best regards


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