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How to programmatically merge columns based on the columns' name using IronPython?

Santiago Villa Cardenas

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Can you provide more details please? How are you importing data? You could use a transformation to change the data type. This can be done only once so next time you load data, it will remember what data type it is supposed to be if coming form the same source. Another way to merge columns is using a Data Function if the transformations at loading does not work. I think a data function is a better approach than IronPython, but it is certainly possible to merge with IP as a last resource.

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Hi Jose, thank you for your answer. I import the data using an IP script that I got help from in another Community post: How to use IronPython to import data? (tibco.com) . The script imports multiple files into one spotfire data table but on import, when columns are named the same but have different data types, the columns duplicate as in the screenshot I posted. Is there a way to specify data types in this script or to force data types so that there is consistency and also that no columns get duplicated? Here is the script.


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and the code (indentation will probably get lost):

import clr

import Spotfire.Dxp.Data.DataTable

from Spotfire.Dxp.Data import *


from System.Windows.Forms import OpenFileDialog

from Spotfire.Dxp.Data import *

myDataManager = Document.Data

d1 = OpenFileDialog() #Open windows window

d1.Multiselect=True #lets you select more than one file

d1.InitialDirectory='C:\' #the folder containing your source data files


files=d1.FileNames #Store the names of the files

ds=myDataManager.CreateFileDataSource(files[0]) #The file source of the first selected file

table.ReplaceData(ds) #replace placeholder RESET DATA table with first file stored which is stored in ds

for ff in files[1:]: #for every file in files, 


settings = AddRowsSettings(table,ds)


Maybe there is a spotfire API function that can allow for datatype consistency? AddRowsSettings does not seem to contribute to that.

Thank you in advance

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