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My custom function is not working in the webplayer

Didier Bastogne

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I've created a custom data function inspired from this example (Create a Custom Data Function in TIBCO Spotfire®) and it is working fine in the spotfire analyst client. I can create a guided using this function but when I want to open that guide on the spotfire web client (or webplayer), I got this error message:

Could not execute function call '<MyCustomDataFunctionName>'

Could not find executor for type 'TypeIdentifier:<MyCustomTypeIdentifier>'.

  at Spotfire.Dxp.Data.DataFunctions.FunctionExecutorRegistry.get_Item(TypeIdentifier type)

  at Spotfire.Dxp.Data.DataFunctions.DataFunctionExecutorService.GetFunctionExecutor(TypeIdentifier type)

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I actually found, thanks to Eric Leroux from Discngine where the issue was,

the definition of the class implementing the CustomTypeIdentifiers was not in the good scope.

public sealed class D2P2_TypeIdentifiers : CustomTypeIdentifiers{ .. }

Now the custom function works in the webplayer

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