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#DrSpotfire String value in a column are not visible in spotfire data table, I tried to change the formatting of the column to string still, getting a blank cell for string values. Can someone please help me?

Rashmi Mohansingh Solanki
Go to solution Solved by Gaia Paolini,

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Hi Rashmi,

Can you tell me where the data is coming from? Is it from a database field or from a file based source?

In general, you should be able to 'control' the data via the Data in Analysis fly-out. Or, when the data is coming from a file based source, when importing the data, you can see whether the column is properly displayed.

Would you be able to share the dataset?

Kind regards,

David Boot-Olazabal

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Hi David

The input is an excel file with extension .xslm. I realized that mistake was regarding loading data type of the column. Since majority of integers were present the software by default considers it as a real data type column and thus, string information was getting cancelled automatically. And later even changing data type from real to string was not helping. I tried to set the column data type to string while loading the excel, so it worked fine now.

I think there should be some provision to atleast trigger for cancelled/omitted values in the column by spotfire, this will be really helpful!



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