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Is there a way to make Spotfire automatically "guess" the DataTypes of columns when importing data using IronPython

Charles Randall 2

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When importing data from a text file using IronPython using code such as this:

readerSettings = TextDataReaderSettings()

readerSettings.Separator = "t" # Our text file is tab-delimited


readerSettings.AddIgnoreRow(1) # Ignore the bad data type row completely


# create a data source to read in the file

textDataSource = TextFileDataSource(dataPath, readerSettings)


newTable = Document.Data.Tables.Add("My Table", textDataSource)


tableSettings = DataTableSaveSettings(newTable, True, False) # UseLinkedData = True; = False

tableSettings.UseLinkedData = True # To be safe

Document.Data.SaveSettings.DataTableSettings.Add(tableSettings)is there a way to make Spotfire automatically "guess" the data types of columns (like when you open the "Import settings" window for a data source, then click "Refresh," and all the types get set automatically) Currently, every single column gets imported as a String, regardless of whether it is solely numeric or not.

I know that specifying a TypeRow is the preferred method for setting DataTypes automatically, but the data I am working with unfortunately has unhelpful type rows (which, for example, list some - but not all - numeric columns as being of type "STRING"), and they are out of my control.


Thank you very much,


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I cannot find a way to do it on import, however it is possible to change the data types on a table after it's been created.

See script below. This snippet checks for floating point. It is pretty basic, I hope you can adapt it to your needs and maybe not check all rows but a subset.


from Spotfire.Dxp.Data.Transformations import ExpressionTransformation,ColumnSelection

from Spotfire.Dxp.Data import *

table = Document.Data.Tables['MyNewTableWithWrongDataTypes']

rowsToInclude = IndexSet(table.RowCount,True)

t = ExpressionTransformation()

#get the list of columns

columns = table.Columns

#iterate on columns, collect values, try to turn them into floating point. If they are not actually floating point, do nothing, otherwise change the column type.

for cc in columns:


cursor = DataValueCursor.CreateFormatted(table.Columns[ccname])


for row in table.GetRows(rowsToInclude,cursor):



values = [float(x) for x in values ]





print ('was not real')




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  • 1 year later...

this approach works great in my case - was able to even nest a try: / except: to check for Integer first and then for real. However whenever it encounters a column name that has spaces it sometimes throws an error

ValueError: The column 'my column with spaces' does not exist in the collection. it only happens to one column in a file that has a bunch of other columns with spaces in their names

the line of code which throws this error is

cursor = DataValueCursor.CreateFormatted(table.Columns[ccname])

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it only happens to columns that have another related column - let's say you have two columns "Well" and "Well Type" - then it is able to process "Well" fine but complains that "Well Type" cannot be found in the collection - if you go around it and complete the code, it brings in a new column in table called "Well(2)" that has the same content as the "Well" column and "Well Type" is completely gone. If I comment out this piece of code, then the file imports fine with all columns intact. If it would help to share DXP then I can try to recreate a smaller version

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here is part of code that imports files and try to change the data types

#load the first file into the desired output table

file0 = fileList[0]

f_name0,f_ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file0))

ds = TextFileDataSource(file0, readerSettings)

table_name="Imported Data"

try: #if it exists, replace it

table = Document.Data.Tables[table_name]


except: #if not, create a new one

table=Document.Data.Tables.Add(table_name, ds)

#load the second file, and now specity an origin column, the new value, and the previous value

if len(fileList)>1:

file1 = fileList[1]

f_name1,f_ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file1))

ds=TextFileDataSource(file1, readerSettings)

settings = AddRowsSettings(table, ds, "File Name", f_name1,f_name0)

table.AddRows(ds, settings)

#load third etc. files

if len(fileList)>2:

for i in range(2,len(fileList)):

file = fileList

f_name,f_ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file))

ds=TextFileDataSource(file, readerSettings)

#specify only the new value for the origin column

settings = AddRowsSettings(table,ds,"File Name",f_name)


#change column types

rowsToInclude = IndexSet(table.RowCount,True)

t = ExpressionTransformation()

#get the list of columns

columns = table.Columns

#iterate on columns, collect values, try to turn them into floating point. If they are not actually floating point, do nothing, otherwise change the column type.

for cc in columns:


# print ccname


cursor = DataValueCursor.CreateFormatted(table.Columns[ccname])




for row in table.GetRows(rowsToInclude,cursor):

if row.Index < 100:



values = [int(x) for x in values ]



print ('was not Integer')


values = [float(x) for x in values ]



print ('was not Real')



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import clr
import sys
import re
import os
#import chardet 
import io
from System.IO import FileStream,FileMode, File,MemoryStream,SeekOrigin,StreamWriter,StringReader,StreamReader
from System.Windows.Forms import OpenFileDialog
from Spotfire.Dxp.Data.DataOperations import DataOperation
import System.String
from Spotfire.Dxp.Data import *
from Spotfire.Dxp.Data.Import import *
from Spotfire.Dxp.Framework.ApplicationModel import NotificationService
from Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Visuals import VisualContent
from System.Collections.Generic import List
from Spotfire.Dxp.Data.Transformations import ExpressionTransformation,ColumnSelection
#load the first file into the desired output table
	file0 = fileList[0]
	f_name0,f_ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file0))
	ds = TextFileDataSource(file0, readerSettings)
	table_name="Imported Data"
	try: #if it exists, replace it
		table = Document.Data.Tables[table_name]
	except: #if not, create a new one
		table=Document.Data.Tables.Add(table_name, ds)
#load the second file, and now specity an origin column, the new value, and the previous value
	if len(fileList)>1:
		file1 = fileList[1]
		f_name1,f_ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file1))
		ds=TextFileDataSource(file1, readerSettings)
		settings = AddRowsSettings(table, ds, "File Name", f_name1,f_name0)
		table.AddRows(ds, settings)
#load third etc. files
	if len(fileList)>2:
		for i in range(2,len(fileList)):
			file = fileList[i]
			f_name,f_ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file))
			ds=TextFileDataSource(file, readerSettings)
#specify only the new value for the origin column
			settings = AddRowsSettings(table,ds,"File Name",f_name)
#change column types
	rowsToInclude = IndexSet(table.RowCount,True)
	t = ExpressionTransformation()
	#get the list of columns
	columns = table.Columns
	#iterate on columns, collect values, try to turn them into floating point. If they are not actually floating point, do nothing, otherwise change the column type.
	for cc in columns:
#		print ccname
			cursor = DataValueCursor.CreateFormatted(table.Columns[ccname])
		for row in table.GetRows(rowsToInclude,cursor):
			if row.Index < 100:
			values = [int(x) for x in values ]
			print ('was not Integer')
				values = [float(x) for x in values ]
				print ('was not Real')


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I found a workaround to the workaround, which loops us back to the original question...the script below should add a table and specify the data types all in one go. Disclaimer: this is testing the boundaries of my Spotfire API prowess! I am not sure whether there is a better way, but this one worked for me.

You need to supply valid values for dataPath and new_table_name.

from Spotfire.Dxp.Data.Import import *
from Spotfire.Dxp.Data import *
new_table_name="My Table"
readerSettings = TextDataReaderSettings()
# Initial reader settings
readerSettings.Separator = "," # Our text file is tab-delimited 
readerSettings.AddIgnoreRow(1) # Ignore the bad data type row completely 
readerSettings.ClearDataTypes(True) # To be sure, clear all defined data types (all loaded into strings)
# Create a data source to read in the file
textDataSource = TextFileDataSource(dataPath, readerSettings)
# Create the new table
	newTable = Document.Data.Tables.Add(new_table_name, textDataSource)
	newTable = Document.Data.Tables[new_table_name]
# Loop through the columns and inspect the values, try to set them to Real
new_columns = newTable.Columns
for icol in range(len(new_columns_list)):
	#print (col.Name)
	values = [tt.ValidValue for tt in enum]
		values = [float(x) for x in values ]
		readerSettings.SetDataType(icol, DataType.Real)
		print ('was not real',col.Name)
#Since we updated the reader settings, we need to reload the new data table from file
textDataSource = TextFileDataSource(dataPath, readerSettings)
newTable = Document.Data.Tables.Add(new_table_name, textDataSource) 
tableSettings = DataTableSaveSettings(newTable, True, False) 
tableSettings.UseLinkedData = True # To be safe  


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Thanks a lot - this works perfectly for me

I had some trouble with the list() function and hence changed things slightly

#Change Column Data Types
	columns = table.Columns
	for icol,col in enumerate (columns):
		values = [tt.ValidValue for tt in enum]
		numV = len(values)
		if numV > 100:
			numV = 100
			values = [int(x) for x in values[:numV]]
			readerSettings.SetDataType(icol, DataType.Integer)
			print ('was Int',col.Name)
				values = [float(x) for x in values[:numV]]
				readerSettings.SetDataType(icol, DataType.Real)
				print ('was Real',col.Name)	
#Since we updated the reader settings, we need to reload the new data table from file
	ds = TextFileDataSource(file0, readerSettings)


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