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Unable to find the Moved information link path for the table having on-demand settings in Spotfire report


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I am facing an issue in seeing the changed path of information link in Data canvas.

Let me explain in brief . Lets say there is 2 tables "A"& "B".

I have created 2 information links for these tables at "x" Folder. Now, I imported "A" information link added in to spotfire added as new table. I created one document property for one of the column in A-table . Now I tried to add B-table information link and selected On-demand settings & given the previously created document property in A-table.

As checked, On-demand functionality is working fine and so as my report.

The problem that I facing is : when I moved the Informationlinks from "x" to "y" folder. In Data canvas of the report I am not able to see the changed path informations for B-table. Only I can see for A-table. I want to see the changed path information for B-table also. Instead of replacing the datasource manually.

Please help in providing your suggestions. Thanks in advance.

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