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How can I output HTML data to PDF normally

Junghwan Kim

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I am trying to view HTML data in TEXTAREA by loading the HTML stored in DB.

I have verified that HTML data is visible using JS in TEXTAREA.

However, HTML data is not displayed when extracting to PDF.

When outputting PDF, forcibly putting text in TEXTAREA is output as PDF, and HTML using JS is not output.

1. Is there a better way than how I display HTML data in TEXTAREA

2. When HTML data is put in TEXTAREA, is there a way to output it normally in PDF


I found a command to wait due to a rendering problem when outputting a PDF through a search.

If I write that command to JS, I get an error.

Exception details:

Type: ReferenceError

Message: SF is not defined

Stacktrace: ReferenceError: SF is not defined

at eval (eval at (http://localhost:8002/package=js:25:118184), :3:1)

at Object. (http://localhost:8002/package=js:25:118220)

at Function.each (http://localhost:8002/package=js:14:21449)

at Object.f [as evalCustomScripts] (http://localhost:8002/package=js:25:118153)

at eval (eval at evaluate (http://localhost:8002/package=js:19:1380240), :1:725)

at eval ()

at Object.evaluate (http://localhost:8002/package=js:19:1380240)

at Object. (http://localhost:8002/package=js:19:1337970)

at Function.each (http://localhost:8002/package=js:14:21449)

at k (http://localhost:8002/package=js:19:1337904)

https://support.tibco.com/s/article/Custom-HTML-in-TIBCO-Spotfire-Text-Area-visualization-is-not-rendered-when-exporting-to-image-or-PDFI'm using SPTOFIRE 7.12. I want to


find a way.

I Attach the tested DXP and PDF.

thank you

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I just want to comment on a specific detail - if you tried to use SF.SetBusy() as documented in the Support Knowledgebase article, please note that that method was (as stated in the article) introduced in version10.3.1.26 LTS Hotfix HF-007, i.e. it's not available in your version. Considering that your version is long out of support, and you're missing out on a lot of great new features, I would recommend upgrading.


Best Regards


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