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How to use more than one "IF" or "Else IF"

Anthony Malov

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I try to divide one value by another in the same column, I created some "if" statements that each of them works well but I need them all to work together for different cases.

there are my "IFs" how can I combine them

If([bt tx packet types] is not NULL


and [agreggation window]=1

and [[txrxper]] inter frame space[us]]]=63

and[[pta]] txdatapriorityset]=3

and [rates]="HE7: 64-QAM 5/6",

sum([throuputtx[mbps]]])OVER([[txrxper]] inter frame space[us]]],[rx chain],[rates],[agreggation window],[bt dut role],[bt tx packet types],[[pta]] txdatapriorityset],[bt dut role]))

/Sum(If([bt tx packet types] is NULL and([throuputrx[mbps]]]>0)

and [agreggation window]=1 and [[txrxper]] inter frame space[us]]]=63

and[[pta]] txdatapriorityset]=3

and [rates]="HE7: 64-QAM 5/6",

sum([throuputtx[mbps]]])OVER([[txrxper]] inter frame space[us]]],[rx chain],[rates],[agreggation window],[bt dut role],[bt tx packet types],[[pta]] txdatapriorityset],[bt dut role])))

If([bt tx packet types] is not NULL


and [agreggation window]=1

and [[txrxper]] inter frame space[us]]]=9207

and[[pta]] txdatapriorityset]=3

and [rates]="HE7: 64-QAM 5/6",

sum([throuputtx[mbps]]])OVER([[txrxper]] inter frame space[us]]],[rx chain],[rates],[agreggation window],[bt dut role],[bt tx packet types],[[pta]] txdatapriorityset],[bt dut role]))

/Sum(If([bt tx packet types] is NULL and([throuputrx[mbps]]]>0)

and [agreggation window]=1 and [[txrxper]] inter frame space[us]]]=9207

and[[pta]] txdatapriorityset]=3

and [rates]="HE7: 64-QAM 5/6",

sum([throuputtx[mbps]]])OVER([[txrxper]] inter frame space[us]]],[rx chain],[rates],[agreggation window],[bt dut role],[bt tx packet types],[[pta]] txdatapriorityset],[bt dut role])))


Thanks for your help

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I think you are looking for the CASE() function if you are working with Spotfire:


when condition_1 then calculation_1

when condition_2 then calculation_2

when ... then ...

else calculation_x


Here you can add as many complex conditions as you like. Just be careful with the order of your conditions. Don't place something like "when X< 5..." before "when X< 1...", because everything

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