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Spotfire "Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services" connector

mark landry

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The Spotfire Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services connector uses the Microsoft ADOMD.NET CellSet application interface object. In order to use a cube drillthrough MDX statement, we need to use the AdomdDataReader interface. Both interfaces are included in the Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient namespace. Can TIBCO provide or recommend a data connector that supports AdomdDataReader Can Tibco provide documentation on how to run a custom MDX statement with drillthrough
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Hello Mark,


Having discussed this directly with the Spotfire connector developers, we are not aware of any way to do this today using our connector (or aware of any other connector that would allow for this). I can only sugest that you create an idea for it in the TIBCO Ideas portal -https://ideas.tibco.com.


Best Regards

Fredrik Rosell (TIBCO)

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