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On-demand information link produces ERROR: syntax error at or near ","

Chris Pudney

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We are running Spotfire Server 11.4.1 LTS with Postgres JDBC drivers.

An on-demand information link is producing the following error:

InformationModelServiceException at Spotfire.Dxp.Services:

ailed to execute query: ERROR: syntax error at or near "," Position: 70882 (HRESULT: 80131509)


I can see the query in the server's sql.log.It is of the form


FROM ...


IN ( )

OR )

OR )

OR ))Note there is no ( after each OR. The correct syntax is


FROM ...


IN ( )

OR ( )

OR ( )

OR ( ))Is this a known issue Is there a fix pending or some work-around available



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Hello Chris,


Looks like your query is filtering a lot of data resulting on a too long query and the on demand parameters might have something to do with it. Did you submit a ticket already I have not seen anything like that and tested on my end but did not get any errors. As a work around you could try limiting the data before loading with a "filter rows" transformation

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