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issue with data on demand

SAMUT Fabrice

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Hi there,

I have an issue on data on demand.

When I deifine filters for input on the on demand setting, eveything is OK.

But when I had a docuent property to the input of the on demande setting, there is a error : can't create data table.

I put the picture of my setting.


Could you please help me on this issue please


Thank you

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You seem to have a lot of inputs defined for the on-demand. To simplify for troubleshooting, maybe test only using your document property.

What type is the document property What's an example of values it contains when you see the issue

I think this issue would be easier to troubleshoot as a support case, so I recommend that you open one on https://support.tibco.com. If you open a case, in addition to what I asked about before, I recommend that you also try to include the following:

* Spotfire Analyst and Server version

* Analyst Debug log from when you recreate the issue.

* Troubleshooting bundle from the server covering the test as well.


Best Regards


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Hello Fredrik,thank you for your answer.I tested the data on demand only on the document property as you requested and it's work fine.

But when I add the others inputs, I get the same error message.

Does it mean we ca't mix differents types of inputs on the data on demand settingsThank you 

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>Does it mean we ca't mix differents types of inputs on the data on demand settings

I'm not aware of any such limitations. I recommend that you proceed with opening a support case (as documented previously) so your specific scenario can be investigated in more detail. I recommend that you capture and provide logs from two test when opening the case - first test, when it works fine just using your document property as input, and then a second test, when you e.g. add one other item of input so it fails.


Best Regards


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