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Is there a way to change the custom login page to the default login page

Kevin Choi

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Hey all,

I was wondering how I would switch from my custom login page back to the default login page. The instructions indicated a config command to set the login page but since I am only in the testing page, I would like to reset it to default. Is there a remove-config-prop command or something I imagine there has to be a way to remove the property to put it back to default In addition, this might be an enhancement request as it would be convienient to be able to set the login page to default especially since otherwise you have to use import/export your configuration file and things go wrong there.

Thank you,


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There is no command line like 'remove-config-prop'. You can see the full command line reference in the manual here:




To remove that from the configuration, as updated with theset-config-prop command, you should just be able to export the configuration, remove that from the xml file, then save and make that the configuration. Or if you have an earlier export of the configuration.xml you should be able to use that instead.


Specifically, the instructions tell you to run:


config set-config-prop -n "security.basic.login-page" -v "/resources/custom-login/custom-login-app-example.html"So to backout, just remove the line it inserted from the configuration xml:


/resources/custom-login/custom-login-app-example.htmlLocated here:







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Hi Sean,


That makes sense. So the process is still manual, and you have to change the XML configuration and import it back into the sever. Thanks for the tips and the steps though. Hopefully this helps someone else as well.


Thank you,


Kevin Choi

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Correct. But even if there was a remove-config-prop command you would still need to export the config, run the command, then import and save as active. That is just the general process for any Server configuratoin changes currently.
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