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Filter for a not empty value in a Real column for several strings filtered

Flavio Arantes

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Hey guys, Hopefully I can express here what I need and guys could help me.....


please, see the attached file.

I'd like to filter for different Germoplasm. These germoplasm shoud be in the same FIELDINSTotherwise they will not show in the filter.

In other words, it should only show the data in the GERMPLASM if all selected (filtered) germoplasms have data in it. In this Foto1 I put an example of two germoplasm filtered but it could be more.

How do I do it

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hi, I don't understand your question.


The picture has one germoplasm selected (right) but two appearing (left).


If you filter something, then you will see only records with that filter on, so I don't understand the requirement 'it should only show the data in the GERMPLASM if all selected (filtered) germoplasms have data in it'.


When you say 'These germoplasm shoud be in the same FIELDINST otherwise they will not show in the filter.' Do you mean the same fieldinst as what Also with 'show in the filter' do ou mean 'show in the filtered results' or 'show in the available selection for the filter'.

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