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Network Chart - label color

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I am looking to incorporate the network chart into my current dashboard that utilizes a dark theme. This makes the network chart standard label color (black) really difficult to read and utilize. I have tried to use the "label color by" in the properties section but I have not been able to get the font color to change. Has anyone encourntered this before or have I missed somthing
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Hi there,

The network chart mod now works with the dark theme much better in the latest version just published. It automatically switches between light and dark labels depending on your theme setting:


You can also control the label color by using the Label Color By axis as you mention. However, for this axis you have to specify a CSS color name or a HTML color code such as:



## or


Only the Color By axis will use Spotfire's automatic coloring. The other color axis need this CSS or HTML method, so you can do an expression like above to color everything the same or you can have a column of CSS/HTML codes and the network chart can use those.

Please also note the warnings in the network chart guidance on how it handles data as the data gets split by source and target, and any other categorical axis you specify for aggregations. This can result in unexpected values being assigned to nodes. I have attached an example DXP also and here is the guidance on this:https://community.spotfire.com/wiki/network-chart-mod-tibco-spotfire




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