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Spotfire metadata help

John Austin

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I want to get the following meta deta I formation, but need help with the queries.

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You also filed a Support ticket, which was answered based on your current license, which is a Cloud trial. For a more general answer here are some links to articles that can provide more details.

NOTE: We do not officially support querying the back end database as changes could cause Spotfire to stop working, so a lot of these come with a warning.


Here is the wiki article that a (former) skilled Spotfire admin wrote:


At least some can be retrieved through ways possible.


For the first two you can use the LibraryService, UserDirectory Web Service API

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For dxp's based on which Data source

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To find the list of analysis files using Information Links where you know Information Link name:

type: dxp depends_on(type::query InformationLinkName)

To find the list of all analysis files that uses any Data connection:

type:dxp depends_on(type:dataconnection)

To find the list of all analysis files that uses any Data connection where the connection name is known:

type:dxp depends_on(type:dataconnection title:SQL)

The below KB articles might be of help to you. If the connections are stored in the library then they could be retrieved by querying the Spotifre Server database.



Application Profiler


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