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Feasibility of having combination chart with multiple axis (more than 2 axis and separate Y-axis for each parameter)

siddharth sabat

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Hi All,

Is it possible to develop a visualization with Spotfire Combination chart (Having both Line and Bar Plots) with more than 2 axes and separate Y axis for each parameter.

E.g. Lets say the dataset has 10 parameters (one date column and remaining 9 value columns). One parameter to be plotted as bar and reamining 8 parameters as line charts. But for all these parameters, the combination chart has to have 9 axes haviing individual scales for each of these 9 axes/parameters.

The second requirement here is, can we change the color of the bar parameter in the combination chart based on some rule or logic. (Like if the parameter value = 'Text 1' then color is Red else Green)

Is this possible to achieve in Spotfire Apprecate your responses and feedbacks on this.



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In the properties of your combination chart go to Y-axis, select your columns, and use "multiple scales" - "for each color". Then go to series and select which column should be plotted as line or bar.

With dates on your X-axis you might want to set this axis to categorical.

Unfortunately, I don't see a possibility to color code your bars by a certain rule.

Here's an example with 4 columns and 4 individual axes scales.

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Thanks @fabd for the response. Appreciate it.


I have pretty much similar requiremenet, but need separate Y-axis for each parameters. e.g. here from your chart there are 2 Y-axis, but I need 4 y-axis for all the 4 parameters with individual scale. Please let me know if there is any way to achieve that. I doubt there is any native functionality availabe in SPotfire, is there any JsViz code available to embed in Spotfire to achieve that.







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